⚡No longer having to give out your Instagram instead of your website because you were embarrassed by it
⚡A website that reflects you & shows off your awesome work
⚡A site that's always updated with new work because it's so freaking easy to keep images & copy updated
⚡All those extra enquiries you'll get from clients that are a fit for what you want to be doing
⚡Choosing something where the "best option" also happens to be the "easy way out"
The win/win of website design scenarios. You get a rad template from us & you don't even have to touch it yourself. After you purchase - we'll give you a form with the stuff we need (images, text, logo etc) & then we'll put it all in the template for you so you don't have to learn (or really, do) anything before you launch. You could be ready to launch within a freaking week!
On a budget, or just happy to grab one of our awesome templates and add all your content & stuff yourself? Then DIY is your guy. You'll get video training by us on how to change all the major things on your site, and we've set up the templates in a way to make it as easy as possible to get your site looking gangbusters at your own pace.
I'm Glenn, the way-too-laid-back designer - and Lauren is the super productive one that takes the designs & all and gets them into Showit & out into the world. So yes, it should be "We Make Ok Websites" - but it was meant to be just me until Lauren realised she really enjoys seeing a website go from a design to a real "thing".
We're an Australian & a Kiwi who live in mid-Wales, who'll do anything to avoid the sun (like leaving Australia eight years ago), who don't own any item of clothing that doesn't have cat hair on them (we have three - cats, not items of clothing), and who really like giving other small businesses & independents the chance to thrive online (just don't ask Lauren to Google anything because that's her achilles heel).
Hey look at you making awesome decisions!
We'll get back in contact with you within 48 hours - keep an eye out on your Spam (especially you weirdo Hotmail users) and if it looks like we haven't got back to you - DM us on Instagram (@imakeokwebsites) or email directly at glenn@imakeokwebsites.com
We'll be in contact as soon as our first template options arrive (you might even get a little discount for being one of the first to register) so keep an eye out on that inbox (and your spam because... well... emails)